Friday, March 18, 2011

Cloud Computing is Here to Stay

Catastrophic incidents seem to be a daily occurrence on the news.  Just turn on your computer or open a newspaper and you can read about the devastation from earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, mudslides, and deadly fires.  What happens to your electronic files when such a disaster occurs?

Just last year Doris O. Wong Associates, Inc., started using Cloud Computing for file storage and sharing.  Its implementation was simple and provided the firm with peace of mind.  By having the files backed up in-house and stored “in the Cloud,” we’re assured that your transcripts are secure and easily accessible.

In addition, by using Cloud Computing, we can send encrypted digital transcript and exhibit files to you and your associates with just a click of the mouse.  Regardless of where you might be – your office, home or around the world – you’ll have access to your files 24/7.  

Digital files are predominantly in .PDF format.  So, whether you’re working on a computer, iPad, iPhone, Droid, or any other electronic device, chances are there’s an APP for you for file retrieval and viewing.