Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Doris O. Wong Associates, Inc., owes its success of almost 50 years in large measure to the extraordinary professionals on its staff.

Most of our reporters have been with this firm for over 25 years, which is just astounding in this day and age when loyalty in the workplace is declining.  They all work exclusively for this firm.

All of our court reporters have been vetted by our state and national organizations through rigorous skills and written knowledge testing.  Several have gone on to earn our profession’s most prestigious credentials, the Registered Diplomate Reporter, Registered Merit Reporter, and Certified Realtime Reporter.  

In addition to their degrees in Court and Conference Reporting, some of our reporters have Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in other areas such as human biology, education, Chinese, and music.  They also have varied interests outside of court reporting.  One reporter is fluent in French and Japanese; another plays the viola da gamba; others selflessly volunteer their time to help those in their communities. 

All of our reporters are members of the Massachusetts Court Reporters Association and the National Court Reporters Association.  Their support of their professional organizations demonstrates their commitment to their profession and their pledge to continue their education, especially in the areas of realtime writing and technology. 

Every reporter on our staff has pledged their support of NCRA’s Ethics First initiative which seeks to educate our fellow professionals, clients, and the general public about the importance of maintaining impartiality and neutrality in the performance of our duties so as to ensure an unbiased legal system for all.  We refrain from gift-giving as a means of obtaining future business or favoring one client over another.

Call on our uniquely talented professionals for all of your deposition needs.  Your case matters to you.  Every word matters to us.

Contact us at Scheduling@doriswong.com
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