Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from the Offices of Doris O. Wong Associates, Inc.

Fun facts that we thought would be fun to share:
  •  A full-grown turkey has over 3,000 feathers 
  • "Firkee” is the Native American name for this tasty bird.  “Firkee” sounds a bit like “turkey”
  • When a male turkey (aka Tom) gobbles, it can be heard from as far away as a mile.  In fact, only the Tom turkeys gobble.  Female turkeys make a clucking or clicking sound
  • Benjamin Franklin proposed that the turkey should become the official bird of the United States.  Turkeys now look jealously at the protected rights given to the Bald Eagle
  • 87% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving, according to the National Turkey Federation.  During a year the average American eats 17 pounds of turkey!
  • In 2010 more than 244 million turkeys were raised, and about 46 million were eaten on Thanksgiving
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!