Monday, February 25, 2013


The Society for the Technological Advancement of Reporting (STAR) will be having their mid-year conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  Linda Fifield, Vice-President, will be attending in her capacity as a STAR board member and member of the Liaison/Technology Committee.

STAR is an organization comprised of court reporters and key vendors, such as Stenograph, who share the common goal of developing and implementing the latest technology to advance the field of court reporting.  In addition to Case CATalsyt training, the conference presents a unique opportunity for working reporters and firm owners to meet with the actual developers of the software they use to produce their transcripts and ancillary litigation support products.  This exchange of information and ideas is directly responsible for the progress reporters have made to date and is critical if the profession is to continue to grow and evolve.

Realtime is always promoted at every court reporting convention, local and national, but providing realtime really takes center stage at STAR conventions.  STAR’s president, Rosalie Kramm, is making realtime the focus of her term.  To be able to provide this service, a reporter not only must possess the talent that comes with practice and experience but needs to know how to connect, serially or wirelessly, with the various devices attorneys bring with them, such as laptops, iPads, or tablets.  Reporters who have earned the coveted CRR, Certified Realtime Reporter, designation are this profession’s elite.  To be able to provide almost error-free, instantaneous voice-to-text translation is our profession’s gold standard.  The National Court Reporters Association and STAR are doing all they can to help more reporters become certified as realtime writers.

This meeting will offer business owners sessions, realtime sessions, Case CATalyst training sessions, networking opportunities, and access to many vendors in the exhibition hall.  If you wish to attend this convention, go to and register.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

iCVNet Training Video now Available for the iPad

Stenograph LLC’s channel on YouTube has a new video available called “Using iCVNet.”  This short video will show you how to securely receive an instant feed wirelessly from the reporter directly to your iPad using Stenograph’s free iCVNet iPad app.  In an easy-to-follow demonstration, the video will teach you how to:
  • Connect to a reporter’s WiFi router
  • Choose a reporter’s network
  • Connect to the realtime server
  • View the realtime transcript with Rapid Refresh updates
  • Annotate, navigate and save the transcript
    • Mark and unmark testimony
    • Search for words, phrases and marked lines
  • Email the transcript (if you permit) for use with the full CaseViewNet application for saving in a variety of file formats for use with it and other applications.                
When you need a realtime reporter who can provide this service, call 
Doris O. Wong Associates, Inc.  Our seasoned professionals will provide you with the cleanest realtime feeds possible and make your experience a positive one.    

Monday, February 11, 2013


The National Court Reporters Association has announced that National Court Reporting and Captioning Week will be celebrated February 17 through 23, 2013. Its purpose will be to recognize the efforts and contributions of its 19,000 members who provide vital services as court reporters, captioners, and CART providers. Court reporters work hard every day in various settings all across the country. They provide lawyers with transcripts and the deaf and hard of hearing with access to education and TV broadcasts. They undergo rigorous training, participate in continuing education conferences, and invest in the latest technology to provide their constituents with the products and services they need.

All of us at Doris O. Wong Associates, Inc., are proud to play such an important role in the judicial process. We are mindful of the great responsibility placed in our hands every day, and we renew our pledge this week to promote our profession in the most positive manner by providing timely transcripts of the highest quality.