Friday, April 13, 2012

Realtime Court Reporters tips on making wireless realtime work for you

Are you sick of cables being strewn across the conference table?  Serial connections are becoming a thing of the past.  As technology progresses and operating systems change, technological advancements are giving realtime court reporters another alternative to providing interactive realtime services.

Wireless interactive realtime is a collaborative event.  In order to have a successful experience with wireless realtime, we suggest you follow these tips.

#1)  Preparation before the proceedings – for both attorneys and reporters

·         What interactive realtime software is counsel using?  Depending on the limitations of the software will determine what hardware and software the reporter will need to make a good connection. 
o   CaseViewNet – used in conjunction with LexisNexis – Allows Rapid Refresh so that every change a court reporter makes within the file, counsel gets the benefit of that change.  Arrive late, you get the entire file.  Files are transferred via WiFi.
o   StenoCast – Wireless feed using a “serial” thumb drive which is compatible with all interactive realtime software.  Drivers must be loaded on the receiving notebook for the thumb drive to work.  Does not allow Rapid Refresh.
o   File transfer for both “wireless” feeds are secure and password protected.

·         Have the software and drivers downloaded on counsel’s notebook before the proceeding.  Most CR agencies will be happy to visit with IT personnel at counsel’s site beforehand to test the connection and drivers.   Trying to set up the day of the deposition can be stressful, especially if you are new to wireless realtime. 

·         Reporters should always keep the most updated software and drivers on a thumb drive in case there is no Internet connection onsite.

·         Counsel should provide the court reporter with as much terminology beforehand so that he/she can add it to the dictionary.  The more information the reporter has, the cleaner the first pass transcript and be better experience for counsel.

·         Everyone should arrive early the day of the deposition to set up.  You may have to troubleshoot the connection so allow sufficient time for this to take place.  If the equipment fails, court reporters should bring throw down netbooks, notebooks or iPads (CaseViewNet APP coming soon) to ensure all counsel get the realtime feed they requested.  You know your equipment will work.

#2)   Accepting the realtime feed

·         As the certified reporter is writing the testimony, counsel’s computer will see exactly what is being written on his computer.  The interactive software will allow you to mark testimony, make notes and annotations, copy and paste, and even print.  Some packages even have an interactive concordance that builds as the testimony continues.

#3)  At the end of the day

·         At the conclusion of the deposition, you have the option of saving the testimony on your notebook for future reference.   Since it is an uncertified rough draft, the file will be replaced with the certified transcript upon completion.  Note that all notes and annotations made to the uncertified rough transcript will be transferred to the final transcript.

As you can see, Step #1 is the key to making a successful connection.  We are available to assist you in any way necessary to ensure a successful connection. 

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